Journal Publications

  1. M. M. Rahman and S. B. Manir, “Performance Analysis of Sc-FDMA and OFDMA in LTE Frame Structure” in 2012 at International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 45 - Number 23, DOI: 10.5120/7090-9795  | Cited by 15
  2. S. J. Jamil, M. M. Rahman, and M. N. Huda, “An Intelligent Soil Evaluation using Deep Learning” in Journal of Applied Computer Science & Technology, Vol 2 [Submitted]

Conference Proceedings

  1. S. B. Manir, M. M. Rahman, and T. Ahmed, “Comparison between FDD and TDD frame structure in SC-FDMA” in 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2012, DOI: 10.1109/iciev.2012.6317520 | Cited by 5

Ongoing Research

  1. M. M. Rahman, and M. N. Huda, “Bangla Onubad: An English to Bangla Machine Translator”, Funded by United International University for 5,50,000 BDT.
  2. M. M. Rahman, and S. Satabda, “A systematic review of Machine Learning based glioma prediction using gene expressions data.”
  3. B. Das, M. M. Rahman, A. Ruderman-Looffand, L. Fiondella, “Community-based Design of a Privacy Critical Mobile Application for a Campus Safety Escort Program”